Malware – viruses, Trojans and worms

Malware is short for ?malicious software?. Software, files, websites – these can be used to smuggle damaging malware onto a computer. It is only possible to prevent unpleasant surprises if you are aware of the threats.

Enlarged view: Malware – viruses, Trojans and worms. It is only possible to prevent unpleasant surprises if you are aware of the threats. (Image: ETH Zurich)
Malware – viruses, Trojans and worms. It is only possible to prevent unpleasant surprises if you are aware of the threats. (Image: ETH Zurich)

Imagine someone rings your doorbell. Before you open the door, you look to see who is there.

It is the same with checking for malware. Think about who is at the door and whether you expect this person and want to let them in. A secure source is a sign of quality in programs and data.

Do you know the sender? Are they trustworthy? Were you expecting an email with this attachment? Is there a telephone number or address
you can contact?

It is therefore important that you, as user, are aware and informed.

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